Chopra Pujan

Chopra Pujan![]() Dear Community Members, Family and Friends, Happy Diwali and Happy New Year! Thank you all for your support yesterday in joining us for our first ever virtual Chopra Pujan. It really was strange not to celebrate in person as we usually do. However we had over 100 people participate in our Puja yesterday, from all across Canada. |
Lohana Picnic - CancelledDear Community Members, Family and Friends, As we ramp up with the virtual events this year, it is painful to make this difficult decision to cancel our Annual Lohana Picnic that was scheduled to take place on July 7, 2020. |
COVID-19 UpdateDear Raghuvanshis, Community Members, Family and Friends, We are writing to you, our valued Community members, to give you an update on LCFT’s response to the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. In light of recent direction from the Ontario and Federal government and in support of the efforts of our public health partners to break the chain of transmission of COVID-19, we have made the decision to postpone all future LCFT cultural programs for 2020 until further notice. |
2020 AGM Report![]() AGM REPORT On Sunday February 9, 2020 the Lohana Community gathered at Ram Mandir for our Annual General Meeting. This year’s AGM discussed the successful year we had with our usual events and our newest event, the Ladies Lunch. 2019 in Summary At the AGM, the 2019 President's and Treasurer's report presented a successful year which brought about continued support from our community and a positive balance to help us create new events in the coming year. |
2019 Presidents Closing Message![]() JSK Dear Community members, Family and Friends It has been a great pleasure for me, to have been given this opportunity to serve our community, (Lohana Charitable Foundation of Toronto, ) for the year 2019. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support and faith in us. |
2020 Presidents Opening Message![]() 2020 Presidents Opening Message Jai Shree Krishna. Thank you all for attending today's meeting. I am very thankful for taking on the role of President for the 2020 year. Our previous president, Deval Chandarana, and her team has done a wonderful job over the last year providing the community with wonderful events and memories. My goal as president this year is to continue this momentum into the future and listen to our community to provide them with different types of events and attract our younger members. |
2019 Diwali Gala Dinner Highlights![]() Diwali Gala Dinner & Dance HighlightsOn Sunday October 27th 2019, members of the Lohana Community with family and friends gathered together for the Annual Diwali Gala Dinner & Dance. We had a fantastic turnout, and the event was enjoyed by all. Read more and also access our event video.... |
2019 Diwali Gala Dinner Highlights Video |
2019 Laxmi & Chopda Poojan Highlights Video |
2019 Laxmi & Chopda Poojan Highlights![]() Diwali Laxmi & Chopda Pujan HighlightsOn October 27th 2019, members of the Lohana Community with family and friends gathered together for the Laxmi & Chopda Pujan. The event had a great turnout of family members and business owners alike. |
2019 Navratri Highlights Video |
2019 Navratri Highlights![]() On Saturday October 12th 2019, members of the Lohana Community with family & friends celebrated Navaratri together at the Sharad Purnima Garba and Disco Dandiya. This year the music was provided by Kirit Bhai Mistry of Goonjan Entertainment with a special Disco Dandiya. |
2019 Ladies Event Highlights![]() Ladies Event HighlightsOur first LCFT Ladies' event was held September 28th 2019 at The Host Indian Restaurant in Richmond Hill. There is nothing more rewarding then rejuvenating our minds and soul, both physically and financially, with some good food, great company and a little bit of retail therapy! And that's what the focus of our event was. As women we tend to put ourselves on the back burner and this was an opportunity for our ladies of the community to put themselves first. |
2019 Ladies Lunch Highlights Video |
2019 Lohana Family Hawaiian Picnic Highlights![]() HAWAIIAN PICNIC HIGHLIGHTS LCFT held its Annual Summer Picnic on Sunday, July 7th 2019, at the Bruce Mills Conservation in Stouffville. With over 250 attendees, Community members and friends enjoyed a great day out together and participated in it whole heartedly by wearing their favourite Floral attire to give a nice charm to the Hawaiian theme. This year’s Picnic featured for the very first time a Hawaiian Theme, Ice Cream Truck and Bollywood Zumba for the Youth and Adults. Our President Deval Chandarana was at hand to give Colorful Hawaiian Garlands to all attendees and a shot of Pineapple Juice at Registration. |
2019 Summer Picnic Highlights Video |
2019 Yoga![]() YOGA "Y” reminds us that the word “yoga” comes from the Sanskrit word “yogah,” which means “to yoke or to unite.” Indeed, the goal of yoga is to uncouple oneself from the material world and to unite oneself with the God of Hinduism, commonly understood to be Brahman, the impersonal cosmic consciousness of the universe. Put another way, yoga is the means by which the user’s mind is merged into the universal mind. “O” represents the Hindu mantra “Om”—a sacred Sanskrit syllable cherished by Hindu yogis as the spoken quintessence of the universe. Repeating such mantras as Om over and over is a principal means by which yoga practitioners work their way into altered states of consciousness. The objective of achieving an altered state of consciousness is always the same: to dull the critical thinking process because the mind is seen to be the obstacle to enlightenment. |
2019 Bollywood Bowling Highlights![]() On the afternoon of Sunday, 5th May 2019 we witnessed another great turnout of 130 fellow community members, family & friends, of all ages gathered together for the LCFT Bollywood Bowling event making this year's event another huge success! |
2019 Bollywood Bowling Highlights Video |
2019 Ram Navami![]() RAM NAVAMI Ram Navami is the day on which Lord Rama, the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu, incarnated in human form in the land of Ayodhya. He is the ardha ansh of Vishnu or has half the divinitive qualities of Lord Vishnu. The word “Rama” literally means one who is divinely blissful and who gives joy to others, and one in whom the sages rejoice. Ram Navami falls on the ninth day of the bright fortnight in the month of Chaitra (April/May) (8 days after Yugādi) and coincides with Vasant Navratri or Chait Durga Puja. This day, marking the birthday of Lord Rama, is also observed as the marriage day of Rama and Sita and thus also referred to as Kalyanotsavam. Bhagwan Rama exemplified the perfect person (maryada purushottam). He was the embodiment of compassion, gentleness, kindness, righteousness and integrity. Although he had all the power in the world, he still was peaceful and gentle. The Sun is considered to be the progenitor of Rama's dynasty, which is called the Solar Dynasty (Raghukula or Raghuvamsa – Raghu means Sun and Kula or Vamsa mean familial descendant). Rama is also known as Raghunatha, Raghupati, Raghavendra etc. That all these names begin with the prefix Raghu is also suggestive of some link with Sun-worship. The hour chosen for the observance of the Lord's birth is that when the Sun is overhead and is at its maximum brilliance. In some Hindu sects,prayers on Ramnavami day start not with an invocation to Rama but to Surya (Sun). |
2019 Bhajan Highlights Video |
2019 Bhajan Highlights![]() BHAJAN HIGHLIGHTS "Chaale Hanuman yahaa aye, shree Ramji ki dhun machaye".....chanting the holy name of Shree Ram and Shree Jalarambapa, members of the Lohana Community, together with family and friends converged at the Mississauga Ram Mandir on Saturday 23rd March, 2019 for Bhajans. Devotees led by our LCFT President Deval Chandarana chanted Bhajans with melodious music provided by musicians from the Ram Mandir. The Bhajans were followed by delicious Mahaprasad. |
2019 Lohanas Support the Daily Bread Food Bank![]() The Daily Bread Food Bank was a food drive initiative run last year during Adhik Maas, on behalf of the committee of Triveni Sangam, supported by Lohanas and friends, namely, Indira Somaia, Krishnaben Chotai, Sangeeta Dhrona, Ramilaben Ondhia, Shilla Khakhria, and Daksha Shah. We thank you all for helping out on this mission to collect and donate food items. To ensure the donation formalities, they had a priest come in and a proper 'sankalp' was done by all present when the food items were sorted out to be boxed for delivery. Collectively, they donated 4,200 pounds of vegetarian food. The food purchases were not weight based, but rather quality based. We must emphasize that it was a collective effort by communities, throughout the GTA, of which Lohana community. members were supporting. Lead organizer, Indiraben Somaia said, "Families and friends, young and old, your help in making purchases, sorting out the goodies, boxing all the items and having it picked up by the Food Bank truck was a heart-warming experience. I thank you all for your support". |
2019 Presidents Opening Message![]() 2019 Presidents Opening Message Jai Shree Krishna. I am humbled, honoured and privileged to assume the role of the President for our community for 2019. I am deeply grateful to my predecessor Mitesh Kantaria for the leadership and outstanding contribution to our community during his presidency. Indeed, the growth of the community has been propelled collectively by members of the executive team and the board members, without their support none of what we have achieved would be possible. Thank you all for your hard work. |
2019 AGM Report![]() AGM REPORT On Sunday February 24th, 2019 the Lohana Community gathered at Ram Mandir for our Annual General Meeting. This year’s AGM discussed the multiple successful events held over the course of 2018 and looked forward to the coming year. 2018 in Summary At the AGM, the 2018 President's and Treasurer's report presented a successful year in terms of a positive financial balance, enhancements in operations and communications, increase in Lohana Annual paid memberships as well as sponsorships and donations in kind. Overall this resulted in an increase of attendance to our events enjoyed thoroughly by all. |
2018 Presidents Closing Message![]() Dear Fellow Lohanas and Friends, It has been a wonderful year and a great pleasure for me to have been your President to serve the Lohana Samaj, the LCFT - Lohana Charitable Foundation of Toronto, for the tenure of 2018. I salute all the previous Presidents and Committees for their commitment and dedication in keeping our community moving forward since the foundation was started. Lohana Leaders Within the community, we have several Lohanas who led by example as leaders in their organizations, social, charitable, spiritual and philanthropic endeavours. Thank you for continued efforts in improving humanity and making our Lohana community proud. |
2019 Lohana Pride![]() LOHANA PRIDE By Dr. Vipin Mithia First of all, we applaud Ramesh bhai Chotai on achieving the Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Award. This Award is the highest honour conferred on overseas Indians by the Government of India. For all Lohanas, it is a proud moment for the community. Shree Lohana Mahaparishad salutes Rameshbhai. Rameshbhai joins other very illustrious and distinguished past Raghuvanshi Lohana winners of this Award: • Shri Kanaksibhai Gokaldas Khimji of Oman • Shree Mahendrabhai Nanji Kalidas Mehta, of Lugazi, Uganda • Shree Dr. Rajnibhai Kanabar, of Mawanza, Tanzania Today as our younger generation takes over the leadership of our Canadian Community association, Lohana Charitable Foundation… we hope this celebration of our past leaders is a positive sign of the strength of the Lohana Community and its leadership across the Indian Diaspora globally. |
2019 Vasant Panchami
2019 AGM & Important Announcements![]() 2019 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTSJai Shree Krishna and welcome to our very first Newsletter for 2019. We hope everyone had a good 2018 and the New Year has started well. Your LCFT Committee is looking forward to this year and we have planned lots of exciting and fun events which will be posted in the upcoming Newsletters published through our website. We encourage everyone to visit for regular updates. We would like to thank all the Community Members and Friends for your overwhelming support last year and we look forward to another fruitful year. Our AGM is scheduled for Sunday February 24th 2019 at the Mississauga Ram Mandir between 2PM and 4PM and we look forward to everyone attending the AGM. ** PLEASE READ MORE FOR CONSTITUTIONAL CHANGE NOTICES ** |
2019 TFSA or RRSP?![]() TFSA or RRSP? Where should you put your money? It’s that time of the year where the RRSP deadline is upon us and everyone will be planning on where to invest their money. Depending on what you’re saving for, where you keep your money makes a difference. Welcome to the TFSA vs RRSP showdown. See how each plan type works so you know where to put your money. |
2019 Lohana Awarded Highest Civilian Award![]() India honours Ramesh Chotai with the highest civilian award Congratulatory messages pour in from everywhere Toronto: Congratulatory messages have been pouring in from across Canada to fellow Lohana Ramesh Chotai, the co-founder and past chair of Canada India Foundation on being awarded the prestigious Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Award, the highest civilian award bestowed upon overseas Indians by the Government of India. Ramesh bhai was honoured with the award by the President of India His Excellency Ram Nath Kovind at a glittering ceremony on 23 January, the concluding day of the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas, the annual conglomeration of the Indian diaspora, held this year in the holy city of Varanasi, India. |
2018 Fun Facts Highlights![]() 2018 FUN FACTS, WITH LAUGHTER - THE BEST MEDICINERead some of the fun facts we picked up during the year, and laugh, live and love! |
2018 Diwali Gala Dinner Highlights![]() Diwali Gala Dinner & Dance HighlightsOn November 10th, 2018, members of the Lohana Community with family and friends gathered together for the Annual Diwali Gala Dinner & Dance. We had a fantastic turnout, and the event was enjoyed by all. Read more and also access our event video.... |
2018 Diwali Gala Dinner Video |
2018 Chopda Poojan Highlights![]() Diwali Laxmi & Chopda Pujan HighlightsOn November 7th, 2018, members of the Lohana Community with family and friends gathered together for the Laxmi & Chopda Pujan. The event had a great turnout of family members and business owners alike. |
2018 Laxmi & Chopda Poojan Video |
2018 About Diwali & Chopda Poojan![]() Celebrating Diwali and looking to the forthcoming year to provide success, we carry out certain rituals to thank be thankful for what we have and what we can gain. Learn more about Diwali and Chopda Poojan, wh can participate, and why these ceremonies are auspicious and worth participating in. |
2018 Navratri Highlights![]() On 20th October 2018, members of the Lohana Community with family & friends celebrated Navaratri together at the Sharad Purnima Garba and Disco Dandiya. This year the music was provided by Kirit Bhai Mistry of Goonjan Entertainment with a special half hour of Disco Dandiya by DJ Bhagirat Raichada. |
2018 Navratri Video |
2018 About Janmasthami![]() JanmashtamiJanmashtami is celebrated with all fervor and heightened spirits throughout the country. It marks the birth anniversary of Lord Krishna who is believed to be an incarnation of Lord Vishnu as per Hindu religion. |
2018 About Raksha Bandhan![]() RAKSHA BANDHAN (RAKHI)The bonding between a brother and a sister is simply unique and beyond description in words. The relationship between siblings is extraordinary and is given importance in every part of the world. This relationship is signified by the festival of "Raksha Bandhan" dedicated for the sibling love and care of a sister and brother. |
2018 About Shravan Maas![]() Shravan Maas is the fifth month of the Hindu calendar. It starts on 12th August and ends on 9th September. According to the Hindu Vedas and Puranas, the Holy month of Shravan is dedicated to worshipping Lord Shiva for success, marriage and prosperity! |
2018 Lohana Family Picnic Highlights![]() SUMMER PICNIC HIGHLIGHTS LCFT held its Annual Summer Picnic on Sunday, June 10th 2018, at the Bruce Mills Conservation in Stouffville. With over 270 attendees, Community members and friends enjoyed a great day out together. This year’s picnic featured a challenging Obstacle Course Bouncy Castle along with a live hot food station, Sno-cone & Candy Floss and an extensive raffle of gifts and prizes. |
2018 Lohana Family Picnic Video |
2018 About Adhik Maas![]() Adhik MaasThe Hindu calendar is based on the lunar cycle rather than the solar cycle. Due to this, an extra month arises after every thirty-two month period. In 2018 there is an extra month (Adhik Maas) as per the Hindu Calendar. This month starts from 16th May to 13th June and is dedicated to Lord Shree Krishna. |
2018 Hanuman Jayanti Highlights![]() Why We Celebrate Hanuman Jayanti Hanuman Jayanti is a Hindu religious festival that celebrates the birth of Shree Hanumanji, who is immensely revered throughout the world where Hindus reside. According to legends, He was born as a monkey God to serve Shree Ram as the greatest disciple with utter and unflinching devotion. Hanumanji is the symbol of strength and energy, proven by His service and devotion to Shree Ram. He is said to be able to assume any form at will, wield celestial weapons, move mountains, dart through the air, and seize the clouds. Hanumanji is the only deity that cannot be troubled by negative energies. During Hanuman Jayanti people observe a fast, meditate, practice charity, and recite various devotional hymns and prayers like the Hanuman Chalisa, repeating His glories and adventures! |
2018 Hanuman Jayanti Video |
2018 Family Bingo Bowling Video |
2018 Family Bingo Bowling Highlights![]() During the afternoon of Sunday, 25th March 2018 we had an incredible turnout at our first event of the year! With 120 fellow community members, family & friends, of all ages, we had a successful bowling event! Thank you to all our sponsors and all attendees from near and far who participated as bowlers and spectators! |
2018 Special General Meeting Highlights![]() Following constitutional regulations, timely notice was provided and a Special General Meeting was held during the afternoon of Sunday, 25th March 2018. The meeting was chaired by Dipakbhai Dhrona, with over 60 members in attendance. The topics of MEMBERSHIP for 2018 were discussed.... |
2018 Celebrating Holi Highlights![]()
2018 Our History Highlights![]() The Lohana Cultural Association of Canada was the brainchild of a very committed Community Member, Vinod Sodha. He came to Toronto in December of 1974 from Kisumu, Kenya. Embarrassed by a question from a visiting guest in the following year, who asked how many Lohanas lived in Toronto, he decided to hit the white pages and compile a list of “Lohana sounding names” with the help of Babubhai Somani. |
2018 AGM - Annual General Meeting Video |
2017 Presidents Closing Message![]() Dear Lohana Community, It is with deep humility that my family & I, once again, thank you for your confidence in me to serve the Lohana Samaj in the role of the 2017 President of the Lohana Charitable Foundation of (LCF). As you witnessed at the Annual General Meeting, the Lohana community is now in transition to the newer, younger generation ready to assume the leadership of the LCF. |
2017 Lohana Family Picnic VideoLohana Charitable Foundation 2017 picnic, Bruce Mills Conservation Park, ON. Canada. |