On Sunday February 9, 2020 the Lohana Community gathered at Ram Mandir for our Annual General Meeting. This year’s AGM discussed the successful year we had with our usual events and our newest event, the Ladies Lunch.
2019 in Summary
At the AGM, the 2019 President's and Treasurer's report presented a successful year which brought about continued support from our community and a positive balance to help us create new events in the coming year.
On Sunday February 9, 2020 the Lohana Community gathered at Ram Mandir for our Annual General Meeting. This year’s AGM discussed the successful year we had with our usual events and our newest event, the Ladies Lunch.
2019 in Summary
At the AGM, the 2019 President's and Treasurer's report presented a successful year which brought about continued support from our community and a positive balance to help us create new events in the coming year.
Dr. Vipinbhai Mithia presented a successful Maha Parishad Report and also commented on the funeral Committee's involvement within the community.
New Executive Committee
The new committee was sworn in as follows:
The 2020 Board of Directors
President: Anuj Dhrona
VP: Deval Chandarana
Treasurer: Sahil Radia
Secretary: Swadha Kotecha
Board Officers: Amar Gadhia and Hetal Kara
Thank you to Dipakbhai Dhrona, who once again chaired the AGM with swiftness and efficiency.
This year we recognized Vraj Rach for all of his efforts over the years:
A Recognition for Vrajbhai Rach
I want to take this opportunity to recognize an individual that has made tremendous contribution to the Canadian Lohana Samaj – as well as to the larger community of Gujaratis and Indo-Canadians in general – over the last four decades.
Our beloved Vrajbhai Rach, who could not be here today, came from Uganda to Canada as a refugee in 1972! In early 1975, when there were just a few scattered Lohanas around GTA, and when the only communication mode was Canada Post and an expensive landline phone, Vrajbhai got together with the late Vinubhai Sodha to form Lohana Samaj in Toronto.
They put hours of effort searching through the massive Bell Canada Phone Directory for Toronto – there was no internet or mobile phones then - to find surnames that sounded Lohana, and then individually called the approximately 100 families, using the old-fashioned dial phone, to convince them to come to a meeting to form what they then called Lohana Cultural Association, LCA for short. Indded, I believe that our Post Box number today was actually first established at that time. Thus, began our Samaj in early 1976.
Vrajbhai was on the 1st elected Board of Directors of LCA in 1976 and he served numerous years in various capacities, including as a very successful President for two years in 2005/2006. He provided mentorship to many future leaders of our Samaj. Vrajbhai and Sarojben were instrumental in organizing the first Lohana Variety Program in early 1980s, and such an event went on to become an annual routine for over 30 years, giving our children the platform to mix and mingle both days of the weekend for over 2 months, and thereafter to participate in very professionally organized, 3-hour, staged event. They were also the key organizers for many Navratri Garbas over this period. Many of our adult professionals today were effectively nurtured by this system and they went on to become very successful, balanced adults proud of their Lohana roots! And, many a new immigrant since 1980s felt at home here knowing there are the likes of Vrajbhai and Sarojben to talk to and seek help from!
Ever since mid 1970s, Sarojben’s melodius and soothing voice has at times entertained us; and, at times provided us comfort during grieving periods. Until a few years ago, there was not one Lohana event where Sarojben and Vrajbhai did not play a central role – whether it is LCA-organized or a private affair by a Lohana family.
We owe a debt of gratitude for Vrajbhai and Sarojben’s dedication to the cause of Lohanas in Canada, and their tremendous efforts all the time to make us feel at home in our adopted motherland. Even last month, when we visited Vrajbhai – together with past Presidents Mehulbhai and Dr, Vipin Mithia – he was upbeat and he said that when he feels better, he will continue to serve our Samaj. We pray and wish the best in health for him, and we are truly waiting for him to come back on the Board, or any other capacity, to guide us and to mentor us.
Thank You
Deval Chandarana